Posts in Category: Landmark

Rent or Buy

Some of us photographers don’t have the “capital” to be able to purchase all the gear that we want.  We have our one camera body, several lenses, and some other equipment – a few flashes, stands, and a handful of memory cards.  But to get professional shots at specific events, such as a wedding, you need professional weapons and know how to use them.  Am I ready to purchase a Nikon D7000 ($1,200 MSRP), a Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II ($2,400), and a Nikon 85mm f/1.4 ($1,700)?  No way – especially since I don’t do enough paid photography to get a good ROI (return on investment) from said purchases.  I’m at that point where I could only justify improving the gear I own if I were to start marketing myself in order to book more shoots.  So instead of buying the gear I need, here’s a little secret.  Okay, it’s not really a secret, but websites such as,, and come in really handy in these situations.  You can rent pretty much anything you need from them, use it for the allotted time, and then ship it back when your rental period is up.  Last time I rented, I used LensRentals, but this time I chose to use BorrowLenses since their prices are cheaper.  I’ll get to use all three of the items above ($5,300 MSRP) for 4 days.  Total cost including shipping was right around $200.

The point of this post is this: renting gear can be a good option.  Even if you don’t have an event to shoot; if you simply want to give a camera body a test run; if you’ve always wanted to create a really cool fisheye image; or if you’re not a photographer yet and you want to shoot with a friend who is – try renting some gear!

Also, as a bonus, I wanted to post an image for your viewing pleasure that has nothing to do with this post: the Tower of London in (moderate) HDR.  Processed with Photomatix Pro and Lightroom.  Thanks for reading!


Scenes from San Antonio



La Antorcha de la Amistad


The Capitol, Part 4

While i was originally going to make this a 5 part series, I’ve changed my mind and decided to post two pictures with this (final) post.  I’m glad to finally have some solid “Austin” pictures, more of which can be seen on my Facebook Fan Page!  But as much as I’m learning to love Austin, I can’t wait to be back in Illinois in 5 days!  I’m the photographer (with help from my fiancee) for my good friend Rachel Messier’s wedding in Bloomington, IL next Saturday and then be working from my company’s HQ in the Chicago suburbs for the week after that. Then, on August 13, I’m getting married!  In case you were wondering, I’m not going to be the photographer at my own wedding, but I will have all my gear with me in the unlikely scenario that something unfortunate happens.  Always ready.

A variety of posts will be coming in the future, but I don’t know when due to my crazy schedule in the month of August!  Maybe I’ll write about some of the gear upgrades and other stuff I’ve done to get ready to be the main photographer at a wedding for only the second time.  I’ve sure learned a lot since then, and can’t wait for Rachel’s wedding.  Anyways, I hope you like these last two pictures from the Texas State Captiol series.  I feel like HDR always looks better while using a wide-angle lens…  Click for a larger version!