This is a follow up post to my Holiday ORD, Part 1 post below. It is appropriately titled Holiday ORD, Part 2. Of all the Chicago pictures that I’ve seen over the years, I haven’t seen very many from inside the biggest airport in the Midwest. I’m proud of these last two sets of images, simply because I wanted to capture some memorable shots while I was waiting at O’Hare, and I feel as though I succeeded. The last post contained 3 images. I threw a bonus image into this post for your enjoyment… so enjoy! If you’d like to share it with friends for their enjoyment, there is a share bar at the bottom of this post (and every post) with a bunch of options such as email, twitter, facebook.
For those of you who don’t know, ORD is the airport abbreviation for O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. I flew out of O’Hare in late November to end my Thanksgiving trip home. Since I was flying home on the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the TSA is always a little frisky, I figured that security and long lines would be a huge hassle. Well, it didn’t take me nearly as long to get to my gate as I thought it would, resulting in a lot of down time. I had my camera with me… Camera? Down time? Christmas-decorated airport? Please see below for part one of the results. Part two will come later this week.