Posts in Category: Photography

Best of 2010

I’ve taken lots of pictures this year and have had a lot of fun doing it.  I could probably figure out how many I’ve taken and let you all know, but that would be a minor waste of time.  Thanks to all of you who have read my blog and commented on the posts.  I truly appreciate it.  Onto the subject of this post…

Flickr recently opened up a new group called “Best Shot of 2010,” to which I would like to submit the BEST picture that I took this year.  It’s a hard choice for me to make – so that’s why I’m turning to you, blog readers.  Below is a collage of the 12 pictures from which I would like you to choose.  Follow this link – Best of 2010 – and vote using the Like button.  I think you should all have access, even if we aren’t friends; I made it a public Facebook album.  These 12 images were taken throughout the year; some taken in Chicago, some in the suburbs, some in other states, all taken with Nikon, and all taken by me.  I’d appreciate your feedback, and hopefully look forward to bringing you many more enjoyable photographs in the future.  If you’d like to see all the pictures I’ve posted on Flickr this year, you can do that by visiting this link – Fourth Photography 2010.

Over Texas

As seen from Camp Buckner. No light pollution.
All three of these were taken with my Nikon D300 at exposures between 20 and 30 seconds at f/4.
Click on the images to see them on Flickr and get the full resolution versions.

Paul & Anne Scharnett [8.7.10]

I posted a preview of these pictures back in September, but since it was my first wedding as the official photographer, I thought a full post of my favorite shots (Flickr set) was necessary.  As I said in my last post, it was a great blessing to be able to capture these memories for Paul and Anne.  I hope you all enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.  If you do, share this on Twitter or Facebook (there’s a “Share Bar” at the bottom of the post) and let more celebrate with the Scharnetts!  Congratulations, Paul and Anne Scharnett! (With regards to lenses, I used mainly a Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 (standard) and a Nikon 12-24mm f/4 (wide angle). I also rented a Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 (zoom) from Calumet Photo for the weekend and had a 35mm f/1.8 (prime). Those covered all the bases. Also, i shot with my Nikon D300 and my D50 bodies, in case you were wondering.)