Posts in Category: Uncategorized

Paul & Anne Scharnett [8.7.10]

I posted a preview of these pictures back in September, but since it was my first wedding as the official photographer, I thought a full post of my favorite shots (Flickr set) was necessary.  As I said in my last post, it was a great blessing to be able to capture these memories for Paul and Anne.  I hope you all enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.  If you do, share this on Twitter or Facebook (there’s a “Share Bar” at the bottom of the post) and let more celebrate with the Scharnetts!  Congratulations, Paul and Anne Scharnett! (With regards to lenses, I used mainly a Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 (standard) and a Nikon 12-24mm f/4 (wide angle). I also rented a Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 (zoom) from Calumet Photo for the weekend and had a 35mm f/1.8 (prime). Those covered all the bases. Also, i shot with my Nikon D300 and my D50 bodies, in case you were wondering.)

2 Megapixels [4] – “In Transit”

These are some images I took with my iPhone while flying out of Chicago to Austin this past week.
The first one was captured in the security line and the second one right after I stepped off of the moving walkway that goes through Willy Wonka’s psychedelic tunnel to Terminal C at O’Hare.
The second two images were taken at 34,000 feet. 

Also!  I’ll  be putting up a bunch of pictures from this trip as the week progresses.  I’ll hopefully be able to get some cool mobile shots of downtown Austin (should have done that last night).  And I’ll be reviewing some of the places that I’ve eaten, shopped at, and enjoyed from my first weekend here in the Texas Capital on my other blog – World Wide Wilson // keep an eye out for ALL THESE GOODIES.