That Starbucks Mood

Starbucks always puts me in a certain mood. I hope that the pictures I post here will convey that mood. What you see below was captured with a Nikon D50 at 35mm and f/1.8. The key components in these images are the depth of field and the amount of light captured. The 35mm f/1.8 deserves all the credit. Remember: lower f-stop = wider aperture opening = smaller depth of field. Enjoy.


Front Row Seats


Iced Coffee

The Columbia Yacht Club

Hey everyone! I apologize for not posting more images recently, but I hope you enjoy this one. I sure do.  For a little background – this picture was taken during an afternoon that Katie and I spent walking around downtown Chicago last summer. I think it was either the 4th of July or the day before. It was a really hot afternoon, and I really wanted to take one of these boats out on the lake. Anyway, I didn’t bring my Nikon with me, so we ended up taking all the pictures that day with her Canon point and shoot. This picture goes to show you that not all good photographs have to be taken with an expensive camera/lens setup. As long as you can frame a shot and get good lighting, it’s all about using the editing tools at your disposal to obtain an end result.

Below i have posted a two-image slideshow that demonstrates this picture before and after, which I thought might be interesting to everyone. I used Adobe Lightroom 3.0 to create the “after” image seen above and in the slideshow below. I’d love to hear your thoughts, criticisms, and/or questions in the Comments section below.  Remember, almost all of the images you see on my blog are also for sale on RedBubble!


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Cuba Gallery Photography

Since I don’t have a lot of new stuff, I thought I’d share some photography that I enjoy.  I have become a big fan of the photography shown in the link below, taken by a guy named Andrew.  He uses a Nikon D3 and goes by the title “Cuba Gallery.” You can find his blog here – – and his Flickr page here –

The processing done on these images using Adobe Lightroom 3 is impressive, and his blog shows a lot of before and after pictures.  There is also a Lightroom Tutorial document for sale if you would like to know more about how he processes these pictures.  Take some time to enjoy the below photographs and browse my blog archives! I’ll be posting some new stuff soon!