Posts Tagged: Photoshop

Eleanor Lively | 01.03.2013

What a blessing to be able to take pictures of this tiny bundle of joy for our first photo session of the year!  When Cora and Will told us back in November that they wanted us to photograph their baby once she was born, we were so excited.  It was a pleasure to meet little Eleanor, and we tried our best to capture her beauty in these images.  I do have to admit that newborn sessions are some of my favorite, especially if the baby is sleeping (which sometimes happens and other times doesn’t).  Will & Cora were so accommodating, and it was great getting to know them better during the session too!

P.S. – my favorite part of the entire shoot can be seen in her “portrait” below (the fifth photo down); you can see my reflection and her mother’s reflection in Eleanor’s big round eyes. So awesome!
















Rachel & Dan: Details

I’ve known Rachel since the first couple days of freshman year of college at the University of Illinois. It was great to get to know her during those four years and see her passion for the unreached people of the World and for the Lord. These passions are what ended up leading her to Dan, and it was a blessing to get to be a part of their beautiful wedding! Thankfully, my fiancee was able to come with me and serve as a second photographer – the first time I had that luxury. I highly recommend it (a second shooter and a fiancee). A follow up post will be coming shortly with more pictures.

Texas Fields, Part 2

In my last post, I summarized the story behind these pictures.  I also said that I would post this blog entry last night, but I wanted to leave a little more time for people to enjoy the first set of images.  Here are the other 4 pictures from that set – one of them would be considered an “HDR” image (the first one).  Hope you like them!

Dynamic Field

Chasing the Clouds Away


Field of Light